Swedish Language Lunch

A place to meet other language learners, socialize and practice Swedish language conversation in a friendly and casual environment.

 Date: 2024
  • Wednesday, June 12

  • Wednesday, September 4
  • Wednesday, October 9
  • Wednesday, November 11
  • Wednesday, November 27
Time: 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Place: Business Lounge, Building Växthuset at Science Park Skövde, Kaplansgatan 16 B

The Concept

Swedish Language Lunch is a place for people to meet other language learners, socialize and practice Swedish language conversation in a friendly and casual environment. The event is arranged by the Municipality of Skövde in collaboration with Science Park Skövde.

It is open to everyone, regardless of occupation, age, and language skill level.

Want to join

No pre-registration needed - just show up, sit down and join the conversation. Coffe/tea is on us!
Those who would like to have lunch together afterwards are welcome to stay.
Lunch is at your own expense .

Volunteers - participants speaking Swedish and English - are highly appreciated! 

Sounds interesting? Please e-mail: louise.hallberg@skovde.se

We hope to see you there!

With reservation for changes!